Sven's Guitar Site
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Theory for DummiesScale chartsChord chartsEffects & AmplificationGSP-2101GR-30Links - This will get you out of here!Sven's Guitar Zone
Since I never had guitar lessons on a regular base, talking to more experienced players has always been rather interesting to me. Sometimes it was just one sentence from one of those guys, that has completely changed my approach to a part of the music. This and some basic music theory, which I have learned at school has helped me to explore the guitar and the music I'm playing.

My goal when creating this web site was to share at least a part of my knowledge with other guitarists. I wouldn't consider me to be a great player - there are many guitarists who know much more than I do, but maybe you can find some information, that you didn`t know before and that you consider to be useful.

Please forgive me the ASCII-art in the theory section. It was pretty much work to paint the chord charts and I wanted to release the theory section ASAP. Maybe I replace that later.

Your suggestions and comments are appreciated. Since English isn`t my native language, I even don`t mind some advice in this matter.

Please also visit Sven's Guitar Zone!
Downloads, GSP-2101 patches, pickups, strings, improving your guitar (for cheap), etc.

Improved chord charts
After struggling with file formats, Photoshop, WinWord and the PDF-Writer for quite a long time, I finally managed to create the downloadable chord charts in PDF-format in a higher quality with a bearable increase of the file size.

Improved scale charts rev. 1.1
Something that was on my to-do list for quite a long time: I have improved the quality of the scale charts on this website and the downloadable charts in PDF format, too. Check it out... it looks much better.

Sven's Music Slide Rule
It makes music theory really simple!
Build one in 10 muniutes.

Basics - not just for beginners.

Understanding sheet music
This is my new project. It is not finished yet, but the most important parts are already online.

How to...
...steal midi files or whatever from this home page:
Just click with the right mouse button on what ever you want to keep and choose "save link" from the pop-up menue.

The Basics - not just for beginners

Guitar chord charts

Guitar Scales

Some Music Theory

My $0.02 on learning how to play a solo

Buying a (used) guitar

Effects & Amplification

Guitar Synthesizers

Who is Sven?

My FidoNet Adventure

My guitar and gear page

How to contact me

Impressum/legal stuff

Links - this will get you out of here!

This Website is serving you since September 13th, 1998.
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[Contents] Sven's Guitar Site Contents

Last modified on Tuesday, 10. October 2017